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Learning DocuVieware / Demo Applications Overview / TWAIN Acquisition demo

TWAIN Acquisition demo

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The puropose of this sample application is to demonstrate how you can easily acquire documents directly in a DocuVieware™ based web application.

Web browsers cannot access to the system at the level needed to interact with a scanning device so it requires that a very small program is installed the very first time. Its only purpose is to fill the gap between the browser and the acquisition device.
Once it has been installed there is nothing else to do as it is automatically started with Windows, it is totally transparent to the user and it has a very small footprint too so the impact on the system is negligible.

We provide the TWAIN connector software installation package under the form of an MSI package so end-users can install it easily and system administrators can deploy it at a larger scale easily.

Using the DocuVieware™ TWAIN acquisition feature, you will be able to create a new document but also to append pages to an existing one (at any position).

In this demo application there is also a button to generate the acquired document as a PDF/A-1b compliant document allowing long term archiving.

 Points of interest
  • TWAIN connector software installation (one time process)
  • TWAIN acquisition from a local scanning device directly into the web application
  • Transform the acquired document into a PDF/A compliant document for the user to download using GdPicture.NET™
  • Thumbnails Snap-In showing all the document pages and allowing direct navigation
See Also
